Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kim Airs Finds Passion and Purpose with Sex in the City of Boston.

Boston may be a liberal city when it comes to politics, but in many things, the city is culturally conservative, especially when it comes to bringing sexuality out in the open, even more so in 1992. That, however, would not stop Kim Airs.

In an article by Claire Gordon entitled “Kim Airs: From Harvard University To Sex Toy Entrepreneur” for AOL, Airs discusses her career transformation from an assistant to a Harvard University administrator to opening a sex shop in Boston.

Married young, Airs says “her sexual curiosity made her husband uncomfortable.” After that marriage ended, Airs eventually started dating a disc jockey she calls, “Smut Hound,” who “"totally supported everything I wanted to do and learn about sex."

Never having used a sex toy until she was 30, Airs curiosity about sex and her acquired knowledge made her a kind of “in-house” expert to the Harvard administrative staff. Airs says, “…co-workers would ask her to help them pick out their first vibrators, or suggest a porn movie to watch with their boyfriends.”

Good small business ideas can be found anywhere if you keep an open mind, your ears open and have vision and imagination. That is exactly what Airs did. In the article “Kim Airs: From Harvard University To Sex Toy Entrepreneur” outlines out Kim came up with her idea;

“Then one day in 1992, she had a conversation with a woman running a G-spot workshop, who had struggled to find a space willing to host her in Boston. "We could really use a women's sex toy store in Boston," Airs remembers her saying. And like so many entrepreneurs, she spotted the opportunity. "I could do that," Airs thought. "The clouds burst open and the lightbulb went off.”

Kim Airs did not just let the idea sit in her mind, however, she took action to bring her idea to reality.

In spite of plenty of people telling her it would never work in Boston, Airs persisted, raising $14,000 from a co-worker and opening her “Women’s Boutique” with little fanfare. According to the article;

“Airs rented a 225-square-foot, second-floor former insurance agent's office in Brookline, a few miles from Harvard. She tried to be low-key and didn't advertise, while working part-time at Harvard in the morning to keep her benefits. The only way you'd know her store existed was through word-of-mouth and her subtle outside signage: "Grand Opening: A Woman's Boutique.

The first year, Airs grossed $50,000; by 2004, she had $1.6 million in revenue, a 1,000-square-foot store at street level, and a dozen employees.” Airs takes pride in what she accomplished, saying “I can't tell you how many people had said, 'Boston, that's so conservative. It'll never fly there.'”

In 2006, Airs sold the business and moved to Los Angeles. Today, Kim Airs is a sex consultant, “writing reviews, speaking about sex toys, consulting for sex toy companies and advising doctors on how to treat conditions like vaginismus (a tensing of the vagina that makes penetration painful) and erectile dysfunction.”

Kim Airs has turned her passion for sexual curiosity and fulfillment into her profitable passion and a life purpose, “to help people have better, happier, and more fulfilled sexual lives.” You can find Kim Airs website at http://grandopening.com.
As for all the naysayers that told her she was crazy in trying to turn her passion into a profitable passion, Kim lives by this motto; “I care what you think about, but I don't care what you think about me.”

She also has a tattoo which says, “I don't sleep, I dream.”

For more on finding your passion, profitable passion and purpose in life, see Don’t Seek Success – Be Happi.

Be Great!