Friday, January 4, 2013

Passion and Purpose

Gina Elise is a perfect example of how to combine one of your passions to create a very worthy and fulfilling life purpose. 

During the week, Gina, was hospitality sales manager. On the weekends she lived somewhat of a secret life, transforming herself into a World War II style pin up girl. Gina founded Pin-Ups for Vets, a charity that makes calendars for veterans using the classic look of 1940s pin-up girls. Gina and her girls also visit hospitalized veterans in costume. See a video of Gina here.

Gina says, “A few years ago, I started seeing news articles about underfunded Veterans’ healthcare programs. Then, there were stories about older Veterans who lay in bed day after day, never receiving any visitors.  Reports started surfacing on TV about the severe injuries sustained by our troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The more I heard about the uphill battles of our Wounded Warriors, the more convinced I was of the need to produce a project that would bring in funds to support all of our hospitalized Veterans.

My late Grandpa Lou served in the army for 4 years during World War II.  I wanted to do something to honor his name.  I always loved the romance of those bygone eras - especially the 1940’s - and I drew inspiration from the World War II pin-up girls, whose photos and paintings boosted morale for our soldiers fighting overseas.
I came up with the idea to recreate a nostalgic pin-up calendar that would serve three purposes:

1.  The calendars would be sold to raise funds for our hospitalized Veterans.

2.  The calendars would be delivered as gifts to our ill and injured Veterans with messages of appreciation from the donors.

3.  The calendars would be sent to our deployed.”

Denis Diderot said, "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." Gina had a passion or love for the nostalgia and romance of the 1940’s and a fascination with the era’s pin-up girls. The underfunded Veterans Healthcare programs and Vets who lay in bed for days and months on end without a visit tugged at her heart. Combining her passion and with a little imagination, she developed a wonderful life purpose by bringing joy, caring and nostalgia to our aging and current wounded Veterans.

Gina is devoting all of her time now to Pin-Ups for Vets. Will she make a fortune? No. Will she have achieved “real” success, genuine happiness and personal fulfillment living a life of passion and purpose? You bet.

For more on how to explore your passions and purposes to achieve “real” success, happiness and fulfillment, read Don’t Seek Success – Be Happi.

Be Great!


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